Frequently Asked Questions

If you have an underlying medical condition let us know when scheduling. Pregnancy, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, joint replacements, kidney disease and cancer are just some of the conditions that might require a medical release from a physician or a pre-medication before the appointment. Please inquire at the scheduling of your appointment.
It is standard of care for dental offices to take radiographs every year, so the only way you will not have x-rays taken on your first dental visit with us is if you have another office send over your most recent x-rays being that they are within the past year. We take digital radiographs and color photos that are visible for the patient to review. We are happy to print or email these off for you at the end of your visit if you request them
Yes, our doctors are on call 24/7 and are here to help you in any emergency situation. In the case of a dental infection or if a patient is in pain and needing immediate attention it is necessary for us to be available to provide relief. Dental infections are a serious matter, and need to be treated ASAP to prevent additional health concerns.
You can contact us by phone (512)707-7300, email [email protected], Google Chat, or following the links below.
Unfortunately, none of our doctors are in network, so we do not accept Medicaid at this time.
Check in at the front desk. We allow everyone in the waiting room and parents can go in the back with their children.

Contact our front desk at (512)707-7300 for more information on necessary pre-medications before your visit. Greg and Veronica can get you set up through one of our doctors for a prescription and let you know exactly when you need to take it before your appointment!

10 minutes before. Our protocol wants you in the back within 5 minutes of your appointment time. We respect your time, and if we are running ahead or behind schedule, we will contact you by text message, and you can also do the same. Although original text messages are computer generated, responses are received by the front desk staff.

For new patients, it is very helpful for our office if you arrive 10-15 minutes early so you can fill out our new patient paperwork.

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